Occupational Fraud Mitigation


In the corporate landscape, occupational fraud remains a persistent threat that can emanate from various quarters – be it a newly recruited employee with falsified credentials or a contractor failing to meet the expected standards. Companies must be ever-vigilant and equipped to forestall fraud in their operations. Let us delve deeper into this topic, guided by the scenario below.

Defining Occupational Fraud

Occupational fraud encompasses deceitful activities undertaken by individuals within an organization, either for personal enrichment or to the detriment of the organization. These activities often involve misappropriation or misuse of the organization’s assets, funds, or resources, leading to substantial financial repercussions, tarnished reputations, and in extreme cases, the downfall of companies.

Identifying the Primary Source of Occupational Fraud

Employee misconduct stands as the most prevalent source of occupational fraud. Individuals may leverage their positions of trust, access to confidential information, or control over company assets to orchestrate fraud. Occupational fraud manifests in various forms, including:

  • Asset Misappropriation: The theft or misuse of organizational resources.
  • Corruption: Engaging in fraudulent activities that involve power abuse within an organization.
  • Financial Statement Fraud: Manipulating financial records to deceive stakeholders.
  • Other Fraud Schemes: Including payroll fraud, expense reimbursement fraud, and identity theft.

A Case Study in Occupational Fraud Prevention

Sarah, steering the helm as the CEO of a burgeoning retail company in Nigeria, noticed discrepancies in the financial records as her business soared. A detailed investigation, aided by an accounting firm, unveiled a distressing truth — Ade, a manager, had been siphoning money from the company for a year.

Determined to prevent a recurrence, Sarah sought the expertise of a background check company to scrutinize potential employees meticulously, particularly those eyeing financial roles. This initiative, endorsed by industry veterans like Ifeoma, the CEO of BDEV Background Check, equipped her with detailed insights into candidates’ employment history, educational background, and criminal records, facilitating informed hiring decisions.

Thanks to the background checks, Sarah assembled a team epitomizing trustworthiness and competence, fostering an environment of ethical and transparent financial transactions. A year later, the company’s financial health robustly improved, reinstating Sarah’s faith in her team.

Why Background Checks Are Essential

Partnering with a background check company offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Comprehensive Checks: Going beyond criminal history to offer a holistic view of individuals.
  • Fraud Prevention: Identifying potential risks early on to enact preventative measures.
  • Reputation Protection: Safeguarding your company’s reputation by associating only with trustworthy entities.
  • Legal Compliance: Adhering to industry-specific regulations to avoid legal complications.


While background checks are pivotal, they should be part of a broader spectrum of preventative measures to ensure holistic fraud prevention within an organization. Leveraging the services of a background check organization like BDEV for due diligence can be a game-changer in your hiring process, offering a wealth of information to aid in your decision-making process. Reach out to BDEV today and take a step towards a secure business environment.

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