Our services

Educational Verification

People put in CVs for jobs with bogus claims, and one of such claims is usually their educational qualification. You might want to check to verify that the person you want to hire is truly a degree holder from the school they claimed. BDEV Background Checks conduct checks to verify the educational qualifications of your potential employee or contractor. We verify last education qualification from basic education certificates to higher institutions. We help you confirm that your candidate is who they claim to be.

Criminal Record Checks

You don’t want to end up on a watch list for criminal activities because of your affiliation with an individual or organization. Imagine how that would affect your business and personal public image. Whether an employee or a business partner, doing a simple criminal record check will give your organization the integrity it needs to drive more sales, and that is why we are here – to help you stay safe and trust-worthy.

Domestic Staff Check

Ensuring the safety of your children, properties and entire household is paramount. Identify the true identities of those you give access to your homes and have your peace of mind. BDEV Background Check has strategically organised services to help you achieve this need.

Credit Check

BDEV Background Check conduct an extensive credit check on business partners, candidates, contractors, etc. We have comprehensive credit check services that provide information about a person’s or organization’s credit journey, debts and loans. We work with other reputable professionals to ensure we provide you with thorough and valid credit information that will help you make informed decisions.

ID Verification

Whether it is national identity, work ID, we help you verify them. You don’t want to be caught working with people that have forged means of identification. Your employees and business partners are representatives of your organization. Our job is to help you verify and validate a candidate’s identity and the information they have provided for you before you hire them.

Previous Employment Verification

It’s easy for job seekers to make a long list of employment experiences just to enrich their CV and boost their chances of landing a job. Verifying those claims will save you from hiring the wrong person for a job. We conduct previous employment verification on job seekers to ensure you hire the right persons for the job with the right job experience and skillset. We conduct this check to also determine the reason they exited the previous jobs.

Company/Partners Due Diligence Check

We provide extensive due diligence checks that cover such areas as third party vetting, confirmation of fact, business partner’s check, new market entry, media search engagement, etc. This service is available for individuals and organizations.

Personal Reference Checks

Most times, individuals are real to people they feel comfortable with, let them tell you more. Let BDEV bring those details to you.

Coporate Search

We would like to help you know more and make more decisive decisions about your potential business partners. BDEV Background Check has a thorough and an organized search at CAC and other relevant sources to help you know more about the company you are going into business dealings with.

Professional Certificate Verification

BDEV Background Checks services involve verifying your candidate’s professional certificates and other credentials. We conduct a thorough check to ensure that every document your candidate submits is true and from the right source. We help you validate the status and credibility of your candidate’s accreditation, professional certificates, fellows, and membership in any association in which they claim membership.

Address confirmation

We help you verify the address of your candidate, business partner, and contractor’s company’s address.

Guarantor’s Check

Knowledge of the right person to hold when the chips are down helps business/individual resources strive and sustains the longevity of any business. Ensure that the guarantor commits to the responsibility he/she pledges to. At BDEV, we help our clients actualise that.

Medical Professional Background Check

Clinical excellence and having the best hands with the right qualification and superb skillset/experience is vital. Verify to affirm you have the right team. Ascertain the authenticity of the qualification/experience of health care personal before engaging them.

Tenants Background Check

Checking to know the background and integrity of who you want to bring into your house as tenant ensures your peace of mind and maintains serenity within your compound. At BDEV, we partner with you to ensure you do not fall into the wrong hands.

Expatriate Background Check

Expatriate Check: No company wants to face legal actions because they hired the wrong staff or gave out a contract to the wrong contractor or have business with someone under government’s watch simply because they are not known in the country where the business operates. Conducting simple background checks will give you the information you need about your potential business partner or employee. You can easily identify how their personal integrity will affect your business and avoid facing off with the government/security agencies.